I'd like to open a new thread about cheating and bugs found in CoTW. Here is my contribution:
I've found a new way to cheat in castle which allows to rob a shop. I haven't seen it anywhere in the net and I don't know whether anyone except me knows it. Here's how to do it:
Run part two. Create new character. Choose 'phase door' and 'rune of return' as your spells (and any others). Go to the victim (a shop). While being there, choose 'spells' menu and 'phase door'. You'll be outside the shop. Look at the shop door - it contains all the stuff in that shop... (this means you can see what's inside just by pressing right mouse button) Now go to the shop once again. Cast 'rune of return' while being there. Don't exit the shop! Take your pack and put it into the free hand slot. Take your pack from the free hand slot and put it into the pack slot. Repeat this, repeat, repeat... When the message 'You are yanked... how existed!' you'll see the game screen. You are in the shop door. Press 'I' to summon inventory. Now the shop contents is yours Don't take everything because the game may crash (leave at least one item). You may take everything, but leave something other instead. You may even 'configure' the shop: put a potion to an armoury (!) etc. (donate to the shop instead of selling and take instead of buying) Please remember that cheats are for those who can't play normally - for wimps! Instead of using 'phase door' at the beginning the 'teleport' spell may be used instead.
Same here, however, I know that by pressing ( or ) instead of < or > for going up or down to the previous/next floor, it will re-randomize it. Works on boss floors too....can you imagine 20 Amulet of Kings?
Edit: Wow.....it actually works.....But I want to make a few points:
1 - Phase Door leaves a pile of items (All the Store Items) on the ground...as long as it is there, you don't have to using Phase Door.
2 - If Rune of Return Activates right as you use it, you'll have to go back into the store again and use Rune of Return again.
3 - If you doing this in part 2....you can make money fast by taking all the enchanted items and re-selling them. Why pay for something when you can just take it... Ok, I'm kidding, but I just got everything I need for free....
here is how you do it "you set your constitution to the lowest and cast spells even past your mana it takes about 15-20 spell castings but your constitution will be max out
quote: Originally posted by: Spirit1flyer "I just know about the constitution cheat here is how you do it "you set your constitution to the lowest and cast spells even past your mana it takes about 15-20 spell castings but your constitution will be max out "
My goodness, that's like the only one people know about. We could create a page on this site for these cheats.
A strange thing: when my character level is 25 and I drink draught of gain level I go up 5 levels!
Another bug. If there are VERY many monsters on a level (150+) they sometimes completely stop moving/attacking! Use *very* many wands of clone monster. I did it only with Wizards (because one Wizard can summon another one) and suddenly, they completely stopped moving. They start only after changing dungeon level. The game pops out 'Warning low memory' etc. sometimes, but it does work.
I can send *.cwg file with these 2 situations anyone.
I also noticed this little bug but my way took a little longer and relied on luck. you need: a store(more than one is best), phase door spell, and mana(plenty of mana). enter a store and cast phase door exit the store and enter others OR stand 4-10 steps away and start casting phase door, if you are lucky you land on the roof and can pick up the pile BUT LEAVE at least two or three things other wise the game will crash or the store will have very little when you reenter it, items on the roof stay the same while Resting, while items in the store will change however if you enter the store it will change the list of items on the roof to the current inventory of that store( so if you want a particular item don't enter the store after resting for mana) once you are loaded down with stuff from a store reenter it and if you had to sleep the store will have a full inventory of different stuff AND if you sell them their stuff back and phase out again it will have TWICE the amount of stuff on the roof. This can be continued until you pick up all you can carry and have to choose the pricer items to take ;) .
One more thing, don't save a game with piles on the roof, it may make the game crash when reloading, instead leave town through a gate and reenter it and the piles (and their contents) will be gone.
Probably everybody knows this, but you can carry a pack or chest in you belt slot, as well as your free hand slot and pack slot.
I put two medium bags of holding into both chests, and carry a third medium bag of holding with me in my pack slot so I can pick up anything. When its full, I just swap them over, so I can carry loads of stuff with me when I go treasure hunting before I am "full".
a while ago (a few years) i found a cheat/bug i don't see mentioned anywhere -
1 - equip an item, works best with lightweight, high effect items like pendants + rings
2 - select the item (clicking on it, don't pick it up yet)
3 - pick it up by pressing the enter key on the keyboard
4 - drag it to the freehand slot with the mouse and drop it there
the item will be gone, but any effects it had on the user will still work (including weight and bulk increases, not sure if damage done from a weapon is carried over), this works very well with rings and amulets because they give you a very good amount of effect per weight/bulk. I don't even remember how i discovered this, but i found it very helpful for maxing out my stats, resistances, and getting lots of armor w/o a hex editor
I havn't played this game in a few years now. But when I read these posts about cheats, I literally was laughing so hard I could not breath. Oh my god, rob those poor shop owners of everything they have! And that's after you sold them worthless items like a ring of adornment and cursed bracers!
I'm getting back into this game, and trying to port it over to the pocket pc.
however, I know that by pressing ( or ) instead of < or > for going up or down to the previous/next floor, it will re-randomize it. Works on boss floors too....can you imagine 20 Amulet of Kings?
Just a clarification for thick-headed people like me, you actually have to stand on some stairs and press shift+9 or shift+0. I knew about that cheat from a while back but in my current state of mind (ie. sleep deprived) I didn't recognise it right away.
That robbing the shops cheat sounds fun though. I'm just about to start a new game just to see how many monsters I can kill so I'm going to have to try that one. Superior weapons will cut down on my kill time
To build an object I need another object with the same number of abilities. i.e: I can turn an Hand Axe with four enchantaments in another weapon with other four enchantaments, I can't add new enchantaments. I can just modify the existing ones. I can give to weapons defensive abilities. I can give them the ability to heal wounds or to cast fireball.
No more than one spell for object, though. Spells are all the thirty spells of the character plus those which are uncastable (Summon Monster, Resist Fear, Resist Acid, Teleport Away, Haste Monster, Create Traps, Clone Monster).
A weapon with more than one effect will cast all of them one after the other. I have a weapon which first Detect Monster, then Restore your Constitution, then casts Fireball.
Aware: Detect Monster, Heal, Neutralize Poison (I'm not so sure), Detect Objects, Detect Traps and Detect Monsters can work not as a spell and allow to put another spell in a object.
I can build weapons which kill monsters in just one hit. Even Surtur (but not Slimes).
I can give them the ability to restore a bit of mana. EVERY 0 HOURS!!! (you can activate it whenever you want!!)
I have built packs which can contain more than two large chest and that don't have a great weight.
I have an Armor which makes you totally immune to normal damage.
I am very busy, it could take a long time before my answer. REALLY LONG time.
You can also request my best edited game. But I will send it just by email, since it wouldn't be right if everyone could download it. I think Rick Saada wouldn't be happy of this, even if he knows about my work. I've sent hom my best game asking help for a bit of problems I found unsolvable.
Be aware of Wizards, Necromancers and Surtur. They are dangerous. Don't think you are invincible or immortal. But know that you could defeat even 40 Surtur in just one epic battle. Amazing.
Also be aware of draining stats monsters. They can give serious problems.
I have a saved file where you can search through the dungeon to find my objects. But never cast Rune of Return or you will die (killed by a lot of Surtur and Dragons).
Also the game could crash if you pump too much your mana points or hp. And it could crash also cause of the huge quantity of objects and monsters there are. Don't go too down the dungeon without having left some objects just outside the first level dungeon and near to the village. Or without having sold them.
I can also build prices of objects (so you can sell a Small Bag for 900000 pieces of copper). Keep your purse empty or the game could crash.
You can request my file to have an idea of what I can do. There are some objects with hidden properties. Such as activable Boots of Speed or activable Enchanted Amulet of Kings.
That game is the best I could do, don't ask more from me.
Lol quisaurus, we already made a much better tool then yours that can add any object with any number of enchantments into the game... Read the threads on this forum...
It can do what you can do, in the blink of an eye, and A LOT MORE. We even deconstructed the prices of objects, so if you make up your own enchantments, it figures out the correct value.
The 'CastleFreeHand.zip' link is the one you want.
If you find any issues with the construction or price of items when using the Natural Item Definer, tell me. There's a lot of information to manage in the source code, so I wouldn't be surprised if logic errors pop up on some item configurations.
Source is included, in case you feel like diving into the complexities of CotW saves, in the form of Visual Basic coding.
First, I wasn't able to determine how to create an object which could restore from permanent drain life. I searched for it for two months then I decided it was not worth such an effort.
Second, I noticed that cold, fire, lightning resistance don't protect from respectively cold bolts, fire bolts and lightning bolts. Nor resistance to magic protects against Surtur's whirlwinds or from slow casted by wizards and necromancers.
For these two problems I found no solution. Maybe we could try to find how to solve them.
So difficult though...
Perhaps the second problem is a bug of the game that could be fixed. Let me know.
I have also learned by myself how to modify Kult or Baldur's Gate files. In Baldur's Gate 2 (Shadows of Amn) I got a character with multiple class of 40th levels. And it had invulnerability, more than 2000 castable spells (10 memorized spells for each spell of wizards, priests, druids, bairds, enchanters, I had really all of them) and the best specialization (5) in each weapon. What's more he used a weapon which couldn't be normally be used (a +5 one handed sword often killing with a hit), more than 1000 life points, a huge speed and a lot of abilities stolen from bairds, thieves, paladins, etc. I never needed another character, since I could do really all better than each other one. To enjoy I summoned the four dragons of the game and other two powerful monsters, I removed completely any resistance or immunity I had and fought all of them in just one epic battle.
I have forgot pretty everything about Baldur's Gate and Kult: Heretic Kingdoms, however I could look back to them.
That is the problem/question. (to be or not to be, that is the question, whether 't is nobler in mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune... Hamlet)
I think that it doesn't exist and it needs an add. Or it exists but doesn't appears in the objects description. I tried all of the values from 00 to FF and I wasn't able to get it.
When I said I took a quick run through them, I meant I built items with 8 effects at a time, and activated the effects. I got through all 256 effects with a basic setup, and nothing happened, except that I found an instant Rune of Return effect directly after the Return Field effect. It'll be listed as such in the next version update. I didn't notice any other significant effects, but I was only looking for 1. I have it so someone with VB can relatively easily check all values with a set of defaults.
I knew about that immediate rune of return, after all I had studied the objects very well.
Were you who did that file to get what you want in your freehand?
Well, if you've done that you must know some things.
Too high resistances cause weaknesses. For resistances I suggest not to go over 100, that value granting a complete immunity.
Weapons don't tolerate well more than one enchantament against monsters.
For damage and resistances: 1 is increases, 2 is strongly increases, 3 is very strongly increases (resistances will say just "strongly increases" but the effect will be that of "very strongly increases").
For other things 5 is increases, 10 is very strongly increases, 15 is very strongly increases.
I've noticed something: you can get MORE than 256 possible effects, you can go on with other values. So I had begun with 256 to get to more than 32500. But I thought that it wasn't worth that effort, since a lot of values weren't good. A lot of them cause the system to crash, so you must try them one for time. A too long work, I stopped after 270. I remember I had found something to 32000 and something else (I don't remember well, but with a set of several similar values the system didn't crash).
I had thought also that restore drained hit points could be found near to other restoration powers, or that it could be a form of restoration with a great power. I found nothing, but I didn't want to lose my life on it.
Something more: when you try something to restore all mana you won't get good results if your mana points are more than 400 (I got that value without cheating, thanks to five draughts of gain level after I had reached the 25th level. I had played for four months consecutively more than two hours per day to reach that level in Experts only difficulty, this to say I'm not just a good cheater, I am also a great player). In that case is better creating objects with restore a lot of mana (for example with a 75 value instead of 100).
Healing instead doesn't give problems till more life points, such as 1500.
I remember there were some objects which could be activated just for one time and they had a particular code: 0C stays for when wielded, while 10 stays for activable only once and I think 20 for activable only twice, it seems to me 60 was for activable with hours (remember this way you can build great objects): for 20 an example should be Amulet of Kings, which you could activate twice in the first game to win. Then there were a lot of other values, but it seems to me you have found all of them: type of object, kind of that type, prize, enchantaments or curse or normal object (that was, I remember, 01 for normal, 03 for enchanted, 05 for cursed? and 07 for unidentified? I don't remember so well...), activability (83 for unactivable, 87 for activable), number of effects xx (11 for one, 44 for four, perhaps you could go up to AA or FF, I don't remember), and those effects. The duration of the effect depended on some other things: you could get to gain a level not permanently such as you could become resistant to something for a period of time, but now I don't remember how.
Where you can cast spells remember that the game won't support correctly more than one spell with a target: you can't put together Magic Arrow and Fireball and get both of them.
I don't remember if you can get both "cast the spell of something" and then "cast a spell with a target" (Magic Arrow, Slow Monster: you can recognize them from "Command pending: Magic Spell...".
More: it seems to me that insted of giving them the ability to cast spells the program gives to objects just "Detect Objects"... Perhaps there is a mistake in the program, I was able to give what magic I wanted to my objects...
For resistances, anything over 32767 will be a negative number. 9999 is safe. 32767 is safe. 32769 is approximately as negative as 32767 is positive.
Weapons will tolerate 2, and only 2 enchantments against monsters. I located the area in the Save file that determines which enchantment you have, and did specific testing on this issue. It only has 2 hard-coded slots for enchantment against creatures.
For increases/strongly increases, the level can say the same thing, and still be a different one, depending on the weapon. 5 and 9 for some weapon effects both say 'increases', but the difference between 5 and 9 would affect the effect's effectiveness
I noticed no effects between effect 167 and 255. They seem to be sufficiently weeded out for my interests.
To make 'Heal All Wounds' work the way it should, you have to change the 'Monster Value/Money Amount' field. If you set that to 9999, you'll get about 9999 HP from it. What I have setup in the program for items that use 'Restore all damage' is accurate, but you can do this if you want items to really restore all HP. The same style of restoration applies to 'Restores X amount of Mana'. I'll indicate that Monster Value has an effect on both of those effects in the next release.
Activation values were something I mostly grabbed from the game. A few highly specific values exist, but it's easy to avoid using them for other equipment.
In the program, Detect Objects is simply a value I found that allows one to use that. When looking at the description of the item in the game, it tells you very specifically that it lets you detect objects in the level. If you choose to use 'Cast X Spell', and use Detect Objects as the spell, it simply says 'When activates, Casts the spell of Detect Objects'. They're practically the same, but the limitation of what is said about the effect is an issue of the description system in the game.
I also believe that with an unlimited ability to create items, people can play around a bit and find out when things won't work. If you look at items that use effects that you want in the Natural Item Definer, you can see how to build the effects shown.
Why not list the effects you've found? The effect list can be used to choose any of 167 effects, most of them labeled 'None'.
I tried posting my lists but it didn't worked. I should recreate it and I'm busy and far from my computer now.
However what I wanted to say is that if you try to give a spell to an object the object will gain just Detect Objects. With all the values possible for spells you will get just Detect Objects. I think there is a bug in the program. I tried to give Fireball but got just Detect Objects.
I know at least well what you're talking of, don't think I am so stupid not to give an object a spell. I did it without the program before, after having decritted the code for the objects all alone using NOT visual basic but just A HEX EDITOR and a piece of paper. This means I found by myself all what I know, and found it in a file composed by more than 100000 lines of 20 bites each without any help. A hard work, as Rick Saada himself recognized...
Bye, I will search back for my datas as soon as I can.
A note: I was able to create a Belt which didn't contained objects but could be activated to have some effects. I believe your program doesn't allow that (I could do a mistake about this, but I've not the program here).
And for Restore all Mana, if you have great amounts of mana (above 300 moreless) you won't get all the mana restored anyway, I tried a lot of time ago.
You're still thinking as though this was old-style hex-editor hacking.
Use the spell list in initial window of the program, and above it, it will show what spell number is needed. Put this into the 'Power Level' field for a "Cast X Spell(Power affects what spell)" effect. This makes it use that spell. Alternately, you can also use the Natural Item Definer to setup some of the more complex effects, including setting up the 'Cast X Spell' effect using a drop-down menu box. Choose 'Scrolls' as the class, and 'Scroll of Magic Arrow' as the Subclass. You can then setup the effect, and manually copy that data to any effect in the main window. The reason 'Cast X Spell' defaults to 'Detect Objects' is that the Power Level field on all effects tends to default to 1. This means you left some crucial data at it's default...but I didn't design that part of the program to be user friendly, I designed it for the power hungry who wanted no obstacles in their way to playing around with a game that has probably never had effective item creation in a save game editor. If you switch to the Natural Item Definer, and look through the objects there, you'll see how I've set things up to work the way they do. Some options are missing, but that's to be expected at this point, given the complexity of the game, and the fact that everything in the editor needs to be programmed in.
I had to hack the save with a Hex Editor myself, in order to learn how to get the data setup right in Visual Basic. I didn't steal someone else's Save hacking guide and adapt it to Visual Basic. I admit to taking the basic 'Static Stats' info from the UGE module, but item editing wasn't included in that module. I wrote my own info, and years later, when I knew how to program, I wrote the program using a lot of old info, and a lot of stuff I learned just for the program. I succeeded in resizing item data area, and modifying the number of effects on individual items. The difficulty in doing so manually is what prompted me to write a program to do it for me.
You seem to also have a misconception that Visual Basic made it easy for me to assemble the huge jumble of information required to modify the save file without breaking it. It only made it easier to compile the data into a somewhat user-accessible interface. I started with empty code files and default windows, and built a program from there. Visual Basic is not a good language for many things, but it can be forced to do what one needs if one spends the time hammering the neccesary coding into place.
As for that belt that can be activated...I'm pretty sure one can build an item, give it the class and subclass of a belt, but not set the 'Is a belt' and 'Is a pack' bits, then treat it like any other non-pack item in the game. Conversely, I believe that one could have a Large 'Potion' of holding, if they were to setup all of the variables for a Large Pack of holding, except for the class and subclass values. This style of item is disabled in the program because I think making things this confusing on the user is pointless, and the cost of having to determine this from a user's standpoint would outweigh the desire for a trinket like a belt that can be activated, or a potion you can put stuff in.
Potion of really restore all mana: Go to natural item definer Class: Potions, Subclass: Essence of Restore All Mana Change 'Monster Value/Money Amount' to 9999, instead of 40. Add item to game, and load it up Activate potion to regain all mana Repeat if neccesary
Potion of really restore all health: Go to natural item definer Class: Potions, Subclass: Elixir of Healing Change 'Monster Value/Money Amount' to 9999, instead of 32. Add item to game, and load it up Activate potion to regain all health Repeat if neccesary
I may be able to provide a way to modify both of the potion variables in both of the EXE files if you want to try editing the files, so new 'Essence of Restore All Mana' and 'Elixer of Healing' items from the game affect you the same way as the created items.
For the mana and the hit points I think there is no solution. Even "natural" Essence of Restore all Mana doesn't have all that effect on my character with 452 mana (a not cheated saved game!!).
I think I should have modified the number for the spells but I got nothing at all however. I repeat, for me there is something wrong in the program. I will try again, however, as soon as I can.
ugetab (uge tabulator) means you have done universal game editor? Where are you from?
I know a lot of pieces of information about Baldur's Gate saved files about characters. I can't create a program to build the saved files, however. I know nothing about programming. What do you think about creating it with a cooperation?
I tried to adapt uge to Baldur's Gate but I don't know where the file mdl (module) is so I got nothing.
I never need another character, because I really can do better than the other. To enjoy, I summoned the Asian tigers of the game and two other powerful monsters.