I first found Cotw on a multi game cdrom around '96 or so and was hooked from then on, my first game winner amassed a collection of almost every item in the game (carefully stashed behind the temple, (shhh! it's a secret!)) and he was lost in an accidential file deletion, bought (yes bought, cause I couldn't find it online) cotw2 in '98 or '99 and I've been a bit too busy to play it much since '03.
I think my boyfriend of the time downloaded it from a BBS, around 1990 or so. I loved it so much, he gave me the second part for my birthday some time later.
Unfortunatley, when we split up, I lost the computer and therefore lost my COTW. I found the download in 2003 and have been enjoying hte game all over again.
I probably found CotW Shareware around 1993-1995 on someone elses Shareware CD, and immediately liked the game play. I bought part 2 less than a year later, and still have the floppy with the game somewhere. I started using UGE to hack game saves around that time, and CotW takes some of the credit for starting my long-standing hobby of finding ways to cheat games. I pretty much quit playing it for several years, partly because I started playing(and editing) 'Ragnarok', a DOS game with some similarities to CotW. I recently got back to it, noticed that there was a group of people who seemed to like the game as much as me, and decided to put some time into killing a long-standing plan to figure out the item system in the game's saves.
Wow its been a long time since I started playing. I got introduced to it in probably 98 and got it for myself sometime that year. I got CotW 2 in I think 99 from my sisters boyfriend. Its been a while.
I found it on this CD called Galaxy of Games published by Saturn aaaaaaaages ago. Does anyone have it? I lost it and I'm looking for another awesome game that was on it and I can't remember the name - the graphics were terrible, but it was a fun little game where you went around trying to land on chests to try and locate this key which would open up the castle. But there was also a bad guy going round trying to get it too. The point of the game was to open your castle before he could open his. Can anyone help? :D
A friend of mine bought a floppy with the first part on it. I downloaded the second on an abandonware site years ago. I think I first owned CotW around '95
It was way back in 1998 or 1999 or 2000, I can't quite Remember...
My mom had just bought a New computer for University (She was around 33 then and she was returning to University after my parents split). And my GrandMother was married to a man she later decorced. They had a computer too, so she took some CDS with her one day and came over to my Mom's house early in the morning, and she left the CD'S there. I wasn't sure what a CD was but I figured it out quickly, I was looking on the CD and came across "Castle of The Winds", I remember I played it years ago so I installed it and played it for a long time.
I got a CD full of freeware and shareware games a couple of years back but didn't actually find CoW until about a year ago. I died after encountering my very first enemy (stupid giant rat thingy!). That's probably because I didn't really go to any of the shops first. My main objective in playing the game at first was to kill every rat I could find, but I came to enjoy the game as a whole and continued playing the same game for about a month or so because I didn't realise I had to ACTIVATE the amulet rather than simply put it on.
After that, I looked on the net to find CoW 2 so I could continue playing. I'm thoroughly addicted
Dear god, why do all the spam bots always hit the dead forums?
Trust me when the super bad bots hit this crap will be in every single topic and it'll end up making 100 new topics. happened to my buddy's dead forum.
Also Johan, your aware of the new COTW forum right?
Edit: Don't count on the head admin dude to clean this up, I checked his last access and it displayed this:
Part 2 I bought less than a year later, a floppy disk with the game still has a place. I started using crack game around Uige save time, CotW some credit began my long search for ways to cheat the game of love.