I'd like to know what other games you play, but not recent or known games like diablo 2 or dungeon siege. Talk about games that you think nobody know.
Personnaly, I just discovered RPG World Online. Except for the name, this game is just great ! Its a mmorpg, around 40 players playing at the same time. The graphics looks like Castle of the winds, a bit better. In this game you can buy a land and build your house. There is tons of skills: combat and trade skills. 4 kinds of magic, mining, blacksmithing, farming, fishing etc.
I've played a few obscure games around the place. Most notably would be those old DOS games that have nothing but text such as Zork and Seastalker. You have to type instructions to the character and each time you switch rooms it gives you a description of the new area and what ways you can move. They're pretty fun.
Also there's a game for PDA that's very similar to CoW but with better graphics (it's in color and you get a side view of the character every now and again). The game's called Arvale and you're a gardener who everyone has suddenly decided is a big hero destined to save them. There's a lot more interaction with other people though and you get to do things like pass insults between guards in an attempt to free a prisoner and get threatened by insane people behind bars. It's really fun.
A popular game that's pretty similar to CoW but with better graphics would be a relativley recent game called "A Bard's Tale". You have to choose what type of weapons you want, you build up your stats, and so on. That game's pretty funny too.
Has anyone here tried the game based on the Wheel of Time series. I've never seen it before but then I found a copy while in Indonesia. It seems pretty cool, I just can't seem to beat the tutorial. Sad, I know. I keep getting locked in a cage and I can't figure out how to get out.
Sorry it's taken so long to reply. You should be able to find A Bard's Tale in most game shops. As far as I know you can get it for either PC or PS2, possibly X-Box as well but I'm not quite sure. I don't think you can download it anywhere (unfortunatley) but it's a really good game so I would deffinatley recomend it.