Man I would LOVE to get COTW (or a remake) on my cellphone. It seems the perfect game for a cellphone. Anyone think they might want to work on it in the future? JAVA version would be the best for most phones, right? I'm sure they could sell it no problem.
I could do it for cell phone, but that'd mean it'd be paying. I can easily get cell phone games officially released, as I'm in contract with a publisher...
Wouldn't that be really hard to do since you practically need a mouse to buy and sell items, and aim weapons like magic arrow?
I thought about porting the game to palms and pocket pc's but recently abandoned the idea since with all pocket pc's you can use terminal services to connect to a pc via wi-fi. The only thing for me to do is now host a server where people can play castle of the winds from any windows xp machine or pocket pc. Ideally there would be a shared folder to save games to.
There's solutions for everything. Since CotW is basically turn-based, we could have Z targeting for magic, meaning you just scroll through the available enemies and fire at the one of your choosing. If you want to hit a certain tile, press a button, manually go there with direction keys and press button.
Well, I don't know too much on the inner workings of the program, but it seems fairly tile based. And let's face it, the program isn't really all that sophisticated so aiming at a tile is really all that is necessary. It's not like you can aim at the hill giant's heart or anything. Hitting or missing is essentially calculated by the roll of a dice, isn't it? The graphics of aiming and seeing that lightning bolt shoot out is just eye candy.
And you know what? It's been awhile since I've played but I think I remember playing without a mouse. I'm a keyboard fellow so moving the mouse around the screen is my last choice. Maybe I'm mistaken, but couldn't you aim in the real game without using a mouse?
Anyway, I doubt it's something that would be insurmountable, even if the mouse was required in the real game.
I ran it through with the director, and this is his reply:
legally it could be a huge problem... I think anyone can do whatever he/she wants with it as long as it stay public domain. Usually, there's no rights to turn a public domain into a commercial game.
Apparently, the way public domain works, we can't just make money of the original game, but we CAN make a sequel based on the franchise it seems. And if that picks up, any company can jump in on the franchise. In that light it's unattractive commercially for us to release a pay version.
We might release a lookalike though, we'll see. I'm not all that big on copyright laws, I'll have to furtherly look it up...